December 1st from 9h30 till 11h15
Towards Innovation Maturity
How can you create and sustain a culture of innovation? How do you get everyone on board, from executive leaders to your operational staff? In today’s innovation landscape, we see a clear need for innovation excellence. What does this mean? Once you’ve established an innovation culture, you shouldn’t stop there. By planning a gradual increase, your innovation maturity can evolve into excellence.
How do you do that?
Building maturity is the same as building an ambidextrous organization that is successful in the long term, and allows you to explore new ideas. You need to formalize your organization to develop an engine that captures, develops and selects ideas, and scales them around strategic topics. With the Innovation Maturity Model you can valorize the process step-by-step.
This webinar is applicable for companies with an established and organized innovation mindset, but also for those just starting to set up an innovation culture. Our goal? Help you upgrade your innovation maturity and give you step-by-step guidance towards innovation excellence.
Sign up to upgrade your innovation maturity!
Your host
Stijn Smet
Your speakers
Frank Mattes
Cris Beswick
Kathy Yu
9h30: How do you implement the Innovation Maturity Model?
Stijn Smet (Managing Director Verhaert Innovation Academy)
What does the innovation maturity model look like and how do we implement this? Stijn will give you an overview of the 5 different levels of innovation maturity including guidance how to achieve each level, how to upgrade your organization step-by-step. Stijn is the director of the Verhaert Innovation Academy and passionate about helping companies build and establish an innovation culture and mindset.
10h00: How to start imagining and shaping a culture for innovation?
Cris Beswick (Author ‘Building a culture for innovation’)
How do you build a culture of innovation? Cris will share the relevance and importance of creating a shared responsibility with HR, middle management and leadership and will talk about where he thinks companies struggle the most when setting up an innovation culture. Cris is the author of the book ‘Building a culture of innovation’ and a true innovation strategist.
10h25: How to work actively on building innovation capabilities
Kathy Yu (Swiss RE)
What does innovation management in Swiss RE look like? Kathy will explain the inner workings of Swiss Re’s innovation culture, how it was established and how it actively works on building and improving innovation capabilities. She’ll talk about how Swiss RE has been using the Verhaert Innovation Academy’s services to help in realizing the Swiss Re commitment towards innovation excellence.
10h50: From idea to sizable business
Frank Mattes (Author ‘Lean Scale-up’ & ‘Scaling-up Corporate Start-ups’)
What are the most common challenges when it comes to concept valorization? How much of the success of an innovation is contributable to the leading intrapreneur? Frank will explain when and how to involve operational management when it comes to re-integrating the innovation back into the core business. Frank is the author of Lean Scale-up and Scaling-up Corporate Start-ups, among others. During his session, he’ll discuss how you can keep the end in mind and why you should consider how to monetize and scale your ideas and bring them back into your business.